Aware that Club members already benefit from the best personal and roadside assistance, the ACA SEGURS service was set up in order to provide another exclusive service for the general public.

Would you like more information about ACA SEGURS?
Aca asssegurances
assegurança i confiança

Confidence Because ACA CLUB is synonymous with experience and professionalism

Right from the start we will deal with all matters related to your insurance policies in order to offer you the best advice. We'll choose the best insurance services and coverage in the country for you!

servei independent

Fast, efficient services Tailored to you

With ACA SEGURS you'll get insurance products 100% tailored to you and your family. We provide a service that's independent of the insurance companies, which is what allows us to offer you the best price!

Exclusivitat socis del Club

Pay for what you really need

Contact ACA SEGURS, specialists in personalised insurance, and we'll design the perfect insurance for you, with the guarantee and peace of mind only ACA CLUB can offer.

seguros de cotxe

Car and motorcycle insuranceComprehensive cover

ACA SEGURS deals with the whole range of car and motorcycle insurance according to each member's actual needs. These policies also include civil liability and legal cover.

assistència de viatge Why choose ACA SEGURS?

ACA SEGURS is an insurance service by ACA CLUB, a personalised service that allows you to benefit from the best insurance, tailoring the cover to meet your actual needs. As always, the CLUB is concerned with the person.

We already offer our members the best personal and travel insurance, but in line with our aim to grow, we want to go a step further and provide everyone with a highly agile, efficient insurance service.

assistència de viatge To find the best insurance,
look no further,
ACA CLUB will do it for you!

At the Club we insure you too!

We've already explained what ACA SEGURS consists of, but what does taking out this insurance actually mean? Benefiting from the ACA SEGURS service is synonymous with quality, as right from the first minute we set out to resolve all issues connected with your insurance in order to give you the best advice.

But how do we do it? We study the different options offered on the market and then we propose the best cover to meet your needs and those of your family. We not only look for the best insurance, but also uphold your interests with the companies and guarantee that your insurance responds properly whenever you need it. Look no further to find the best insurance - ACA CLUB will do it for you!

How do we do it?

ACA CLUB controls 100% of the equity capital of the broker ACASSE.S.L.U. We run the new Club cover service through the broker model.

This brokerage project was presented in detail at the Annual General Meeting held on 16th march 2017 and passed unanimously there, in accordance with the values of ethics, impartiality and independence.

Why have we made the leap from advice to handling insurance?

To offer services to people. It's as simple as that! The founding goal of ACA CLUB, our reason for being, is none other than to offer our members services in an agile, efficient way. Therefore, taking this premise into account, the new ACA SEGURS service sets out to complement the Club's range of services and at the same time launch us into the future as service providers for people.

Beneficis corredoria Benefits of brokerage Benefits of the broker model

Thanks to the broker model, we can guarantee professional, ethical and transparent mediation with different insurance companies in Andorra, and at the same time it enables the Club to select the best services and insurance cover in the country.

We will be able to offer you insurance products 100% tailored to you and your family, uphold your interests and guarantee the best cover for you.

correduria d'assegurança With ACA SEGURS you'll get
the best insurance in Andorra.

What is a broker?

A broker is a legal figure independent of the insurance companies, whose primary purpose is to give objective advice to people who want it, proposing certain cover to meet their needs. It should therefore be understood that a broker acts as an intermediary between different insurance companies, which allows them to market insurance contracts without being exclusively bound to any of them.

Why is it called ACA SEGURS?

Why ACA SEGURS and not another name? "Segurs" is Catalan for secure or safe, the adjectives that best define how we want our members to feel. We want them to feel secure in the knowledge that behind them is a team of professionals to take care of their insurance, uphold their interests and listen to them.

Because in short, we're convinced we can offer you the best insurance management in Andorra.

oferta d’assegurances What insurance products do we offer you?

We offer our clients the most comprehensive cover to protect their life, health, family and personal property.

seguro cotxe The best insurance
for you and your family

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