The Management Council is the organ of governance and representation charged with fulfilling the founding purposes and administrating the assets making up the equity of ACA CLUB.
Automòbil Club d’Andorra is run, governed and administered by the General Meeting of Members, by the Management Council and by the Secretary General.
This is the association's sovereign body, representing all its members and has full powers to know and decide.
Josep Mas, Manuel Mas, Higini Cierco, Amadeu Codina, Antoni Forné, Narcís Casal, Daniel Armengol, Antoni Aristot, Joaquim Baldrich, Antoni Cervós, Jacint Riberaygua, Teodro Turiella, Baldomer Coma, Joan Casal, Lluís Molné, Antoni Crespo, Antoni Font, Estanislau Sangrà, Martí Salvans, Vicenç Gonzalez, Bartomeu Rebés i Eduard Tomàs.