Management council


The Management Council is the organ of governance and representation charged with fulfilling the founding purposes and administrating the assets making up the equity of ACA CLUB.


Enric Tarrado Vives
Patrick Perez Pradere
 Montserrat Capdevila Pallarès
 Josep M. Altimir Pintat
 Bonaventura Espot Benazet
 Antoni Santacreu Coma
  Gilbert Saboya Sunyé
  Miquel Pujal Laborda



Organs of governance

Automòbil Club d’Andorra is run, governed and administered by the General Meeting of Members, by the Management Council and by the Secretary General.

The General Meeting

This is the association's sovereign body, representing all its members and has full powers to know and decide.




Josep Mas, Manuel Mas, Higini Cierco, Amadeu Codina, Antoni Forné, Narcís Casal, Daniel Armengol, Antoni Aristot, Joaquim Baldrich, Antoni Cervós, Jacint Riberaygua, Teodro Turiella, Baldomer Coma, Joan Casal, Lluís Molné, Antoni Crespo, Antoni Font, Estanislau Sangrà, Martí Salvans, Vicenç Gonzalez, Bartomeu Rebés i Eduard Tomàs. 




1954 - 1987
Gil Torres Palmitjavila
1988 - 1992
Bonaventura Riberaygua Esteve
1993 - 1994
Francesc Xavier Caballol Lluelles
1995 - 1998
Bonaventura Riberaygua Sasplugas
1999 - 2002
Pere Cerqueda Gispert
2003 - 2004
Ramon Roca Casanovas
2005 - 2012
Josep M. Cases Ribalta
2012 - 2016
Enric Pujal Torres
Enric Tarrado Vives



Gold members

soci nº 08
Joan Casal Vall
soci nº 24
Pere Font Moles
soci nº 41
Nemesi Capdevila Rossell
soci nº 42
Enric Riba Valls
soci nº 43
Lluis Molne Armengol
soci nº 45
Josep Canturri Montanya
soci nº 112
Isidre Bartumeu Canturri
soci nº 124
Xavier Coma Zamboni
soci nº 136
Patrick Perez Pradère

soci nº 169
Enric Castells Tomás
soci nº 171
Antoni Gili Moral
soci nº 176
Estanislau Sangrà Font
soci nº 178
Josep Baliellas Babot
soci nº 193
Josep A. Serra Pla
soci nº 204
Antoni Duró Baró
sòcia nº 209
Carme Riberaygua Miró
soci nº 226
Jaume Lluelles Sabanes
soci nº 228
Ramón Porqueres Guitart


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